And that's why I'm here today." Tommy was starting to relax, and his voice sounded less crackled and nervous. Tommy thought he was imagining it and continued. The confessional felt like it was rocking slighty. How many, err, men, have you helped, my son?" The voice came out clear enough, but the breathing became ragged. "You see, Father, ever since that Friday, I've-well, I've been helping men." Tommy squeezed his eyes together tightly as if a bolt of lightning would strike at any moment, but it didn't. "Well, It-It happened again." Tommy swallowed hard and closed his eyes.

"Well, you remember what I told you before, Father? About my coach and the shower." After his previous confession, he was left with such an upbeat and happy outlook that Tommy had forgotten how nervous he had been. The church would likely be empty until the morning. Tommy had purposefully waited until the last parishioner left before making his way to the booth. The confessional, and the church around them, was deathly quiet. Pay it no mind, let's focus on you first." I must be coming down with a bit of a cold.
"Father Mulroney? Are you okay? Your voice seems a lot deeper than usual."Ī series of deep coughs followed before Tommy heard the voice again.

"I'm happy to hear your voice, young man.

Tommy shifted nervously on his knees and gazed up at the grating, waiting for a response. It has been, umm, quite some time since my last confession." A thud sound came from the other side of the booth and a distinct sound of shuffling feet.